Thank you for browsing our PMA parts catalog here on Aviation Parts Now, where you can find popular part numbers like D2587287000200, D2581020700500, D2587013400000, 1444M95P07, D2587361800000, and others that are compatible with the and readily available for purchase today. Each product is listed alongside relevant information such as their description, model, and PMA holder for your benefit. If you come across any items that pique your interest, do not hesitate click on the “RFQ” button located next to each listing to be directed to our online quote request service and forms. One of our experts will provide a custom quote within 15 minutes of receiving and reviewing a submitted RFQ form, as our team works 24/7x365 to address any questions or concerns and offer assistance throughout the entire aircraft part procurement process. To see how we can dependably accommodate you with competitive prices and rapid lead times for items of need, get in touch at your earliest convenience!
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Part No. | Description | Model | PMA Holder | RFQ |
D2587287000200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581020700500 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587013400000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
1444M95P07 | Gasket Seal | CFM International (CFM56-5B1, CFM56-5B2, CFM56-5B4, CFM56-5B5, CFM56-5B6, CFM56-5B1/2P, CFM56-5B2/2P, CFM56-5B3/2P, CFM56-5B4/2P, CFM56-5B6/2P, CFM56-5B1/P, CFM56-5B2/P, CFM56-5B3/P, CFM56-5B4/P, CFM56-5B5/P, CFM56-5B6/P, CFM56-5B7, CFM56-5B7/P, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5C2/4, CFM56-5C2/F, CFM56-5C2/F4, CFM56-5C2/G, CFM56-5C2/G4, CFM56-5C3/F, CFM56-5C3/F4, CFM56-5C3/G, CFM56-5C3/G4, CFM56-5C4, CFM56-5C4/1) | Kirkhill Aircraft Parts Co d-b-a KAPCO | RFQ |
D2587361800000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
16305 | Static Discharger | Airbus (A300-F4-622R) | Specmat Technologies Inc | RFQ |
D2587287100200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
RDAX7095-01 | Cd Reproducer | Airbus (A330-202) | Panasonic Avionics Corporation | RFQ |
B7236T | Plug Filler | Airbus (A300B),Boeing (747 and 767),CFM International (CFM56-5),General Electric (CF6-6, -45, -50, -80A1 and -80A3),McDonnell Douglas (DC-10) | DEC Technologies Inc | RFQ |
D2581031501500 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581044900200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587023800000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581075200000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2827003920600 | Placard | Airbus (A310, A319, A320, A321, A400 series) | Airline Graphics Inc | RFQ |
J221P146 | Packing Preformed | CFM International (CFM56-2, CFM56-2-C1, CFM56-2-C3, CFM56-3-B1, CFM56-3B-2, CFM56-3C-1, CFM56-7B18, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7B26/2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B26/B1, CFM56-7B27/B1, CFM56-7B27/B3) | Kirkhill Aircraft Parts Co d-b-a KAPCO | RFQ |
D2557295030600 | Marker-Max Etc | Airbus (A319 A320 A321 series) | Aero Decals Inc | RFQ |
D2529185820000 | Window Pane | Airbus (A318 - 121, A319 - 132 & A320 - 233) | Triumph Interiors LLC | RFQ |
D2587230000000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
H3841-2 | Latch | Airbus (A320 111, 211, 212, 231) | Hartwell Corporation | RFQ |
18603 | Discharge Indicator | Airbus (A320-271N) | Meggitt Safety Systems Inc | RFQ |
D2587067602000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
ST1141-27 | Gasket-.093 Free Height | Pratt & Whitney (JT9D-7R4D, JT9D-7R4D1, JT9D-7R4E, JT9D-7R4E1, JT9D-7R4G2, JT9D-7R4H1, JT9D-7R4E4, PW2037, PW2037M, PW2040, F117-PW-100, PW4050*, PW4052*, PW4056*, PW4060*, PW4060A*, PW4060C, PW4062*, PW4062A, PW4152*, PW4156*, PW4156A*, PW4158*, PW4460*, PW4462*, PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4170, PW4168A-1D, PW4074, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090*, PW4074D, PW4090D, PW4098) | Turbine Kinetics Inc A HEICO Aerospace Company | RFQ |
2129 | Components-One Piece Barrier Floor Attach | Boeing (737-200, -300 Series, when the following STC's are incorporated: ST00283AT & ST00287AT.) | Aeronautical Engineers Inc | RFQ |
D2581218000000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581040400600 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581014400400 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
14R02-08C | Sleeve | Airbus (A310 -203 -204 -221 -222 -304 -322 -324 -325 A300 -B2-1A -B2-1C -B2-203 -B2K-3C -B4-103 -B4-203 -B4-2C -B4-601 -B4-603 -B4-605R -B4-620 -B4-622 -B4-622R -C4-605R/F -F4-605R -F4-622R) | Hydraflow | RFQ |
S202N0003-2 | Name Plate | AIRBUS (A350-941) | Rohr Inc-dba Goodrich Aerostructures | RFQ |
20499003 | Ozone Converter | Airbus (A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233 A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -131, -132) | BASF Corporation | RFQ |
8061-532 | Control-Assembly Main Engine | CFM International (CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, CFM56-5C) | Woodward Inc | RFQ |
RDAX6705-53 | Pcu | Airbus (A320-214) | Panasonic Avionics Corporation | RFQ |
D2587052300000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
1303A0000-03 | Body Clapper | Airbus (A319 Models -111, -112, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320 Models -211, -212, -214, -232, -233, A321 Models -111, -131, -211, -231) | Aviation Component Solutions | RFQ |
10-60545-93A | Bearing | Boeing (737-300, 400, 500) | NHBB | RFQ |
D2581045200100 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581017200300 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587277700200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587276100200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587014002000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
BRR12496 | Bushing | International Aero Engines AG (IAE) International Aero Engines AG (IAE) c/o IAE Airworthiness (V2500-A1, V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5, V2525-D5, V2528-D5, V2533-A5) | Jet Avion Corporation A HEICO Aerospace Company | RFQ |
D2587245902000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
3863104-1 | O-Ring Face Seal | Boeing (777-200 Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737-900 Series) | Rexnord Industries LLC | RFQ |
ABS0951A0LP061 | Pushbutton Led Switch Assembly | Airbus (A318-100, A330-200, -300, A340-200, -300, -500 and -600 Series) | Korry Electronics Co | RFQ |
ABS0605-72 | Seal | Airbus (A319: Model - 111, Model - 112, Model - 113, Model - 114, Model - 131, Model - 132. A320: Model - 111, Model - 211, Model - 212, Model - 214, Model - 231, Model - 232, Model - 233. A321: Model - 111, Model - 112, Model - 131, Model - 211, Model - 231, A330: A330-202, A330-301, A330-223, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323. A340: A340-211, A340-311, A340-212, A340-312, A340-213, A340-313., A300: Model B2-1A, Model B2-1C, Model B4-2C, Model B2K-3C, Model B4-103, Model B2-203, Model B4-203 Model B | Cook Airtomic | RFQ |
D2583540700000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581010823500 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
398-21 | Filter | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A318-121, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-212, A321-213, A321-231, A321-232) | Measure Tech Inc | RFQ |
J644P14D | Bolt Machine | General Electric (CF6-80C2B1F, -80C2B2F, -80C2B4F, -80C2B6F) CFM International (CFM56-2, -2A, -2B, -3, -3B, -3C, -5, -5A1/F, -5A3, -5A4, -5A4/F, -5A5, -5A5/F, -5B1, -5B1/2P, -5B1/P, -5B2, -5B2/2P, -5B2/P, -5B3/2P, -5B3/P, -5B4, -5B4/2P, -5B4/P, -5B5, -5B5/P, -5B6, -5B6/2P, -5B6/P, -5C2, -5C2/4, -5C2/F, -5C2/F4, -5C2/G, -5C2/G4, -5C3/F, -5C3/F4, -5C3/G, -5C3/G4, -5C4, -5C4/1) | Turbine Kinetics Inc Subsidiary of HEICO Corp | RFQ |
5909780 | Panel-Stow Rat | Airbus (A320-271N) | Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation | RFQ |
J221P126 | Packing Preformed | CFM International (CFM56-5),General Electric (CF6-80C2) | Valtec Aircraft Supply | RFQ |
D2587009505600 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587111100000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581000903100 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
J644P06B | Bolt Machine | General Electric (CF6-6D, CF6-6D1, CF6-6D1A, CF6-6K, CF6-6K2, CF6-45A, CF6-45A2, CF6-50CA, CF6-50C, CF6-50C1, CF6-50C2, CF6-50C2B, CF6-50C2D, CF6-50C2-F, CF6-50C2-R, CF6-50E, CF6-50E1, CF6-50E2, CF6-80A, CF6-80A2, CF6-80A1, CF6-80A3, CF6-80C2A1, CF6-80C2A2, CF6-80C2A3, CF6-80C2A5, CF6-80C2A8, CF6-80C2B1, CF6-80C2B2, CF6-80C2B4, CF6-80C2B6, CF6-80C2B1F, CF6-80C2B2F, CF6-80C2B4F, CF6-80C2B5F, CF6-80C2B6F, CF6-80C2B6FA, CF6-80C2B7F, CF6-80C2B8F, CF6-80C2A5F, CF6-80E1A2, CF6-80E1A3, CF6-80E1A4, CF6- | Turbine Kinetics Inc Subsidiary of HEICO Corp | RFQ |
9999M35P06 | Bushing | CFM International, S.A. (CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B20/3, CFM56-7B20E, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B22/B1, CFM56-7B22/3, CFM56-7B22/3B1, CFM56-7B22E, CFM56-7B22E/B1, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7B24/B1, CFM56-7B24/3, CFM56-7B24/3B1, CFM56-7B24E, CFM56-7B24E/B1, CFM56-7B26/3, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B26/2, CFM56-7B26/B1, CFM56-7B26/3B1, CFM56-7B26/3B2F, CFM56-7B26/3F, CFM56-7B26/B2, CFM56-7B26E, CFM56-7B26E/B1, CFM56-7B26E/B2, CFM56-7B26E/B2F, CFM56-7B26E/F, CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B27A, CF | Jet Parts Engineering Inc formerly Falcon Air Research Corp | RFQ |
J221P028 | Packing Preformed | CFM International (CFM56-3, CFM56-5, CFM56-7B18, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7B26/2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B26/B1, CFM56-7B27/B1, CFM56-7B27/B3) | Valtec Aircraft Supply | RFQ |
D2583523400800 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581305820000 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A319 -112, -132, -133, A321 -211, -212, -213, -231, -232) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2581039301900 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
D2587310700200 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318X11, A318X12, A319X11, A319X12, A319X13, A319X14, A319X15, A319X31, A319X32, A319X33, A320X11, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321X11, A321X12, A321X31, A321-211, A321-231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
9999M35P03 | Bushing Hp Compressor Stator Vane | CFM International (CFM56-2, CFM56-3, CFM56-5) | DuPont Tribon Composites Inc | RFQ |
D2581014800400 | Insulation Blanket | Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) | Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company | RFQ |
S9413-555 | Packing Preformed | Boeing (747-100, 747-200, 747-300, 747-SP, 747-SR, 757-200, 767-200, 767-300) | Kirkhill Aircraft Parts Co d-b-a KAPCO | RFQ |
9057M50P01 | Seal | CFM International (CFM56),General Electric (CF6-6, CF6-50) | Valtec Aircraft Supply | RFQ |
201419001 | Spring | Airbus (A318 Model -111,-112, -121, A319 Models -111, -112, -113,-114,-115,-131,-132, -133, A320 Models -111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321 Models -111, -112, -131, -211, -212, -213, -231, -232) | Aviation Component Solutions | RFQ |
200351-5 | Roller Assembly | Airbus (A310-304) | Weber Aircraft Inc | RFQ |
J149P09 | Nut | CFM International (CFM56-2, CFM56-2A, CFM56-2B, CFM56-3, CFM56-3B, CFM56-3C, CFM56-5, CFM56-5A1/F, CFM56-5A3, CFM56-5A4, CFM56-5A4/F, CFM56-5A5, CFM56-5A5/F, CFM56-5B1, CFM56-5B2, CFM56-5B4, CFM56-5B5, CFM56-5B6, CFM56-5B7, CFM56-5B1/2, CFM56-5B2/2, CFM56-5B4/2, CFM56-5B6/2, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5C2/F, CFM56-5C2/F4, CFM56-5C2/G, CFM56-5C2/G4, CFM56-5C2/4, CFM56-5C3/F, CFM56-5C3/F4, CFM56-5C3/G, CFM56-5C3/G4, CFM56-5C4, CFM56-5C4/1, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B24, CFM5 | Turbine Kinetics Inc Subsidiary of HEICO Corp | RFQ |
1820M87P08 | Control Unit Electronic | CFM International (CFM56-5B1/2P, CFM56-5B2/2P, CFM56-5B3/2P, CFM56-5B4/2P, CFM56-5B6/2P) | BAE System Controls Inc | RFQ |
1459M55P31 | Cdrom Reprogramming | General Electric (CFM56-5A) | BAE Systems Controls Inc CANCELLED | RFQ |
J221P112 | Packing Preformed | CFM International (CFM56-5, CFM56-7B18, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7B26/2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B26/B1, CFM56-7B27/B1, CFM56-7B27/B3),General Electric (CF34-3A1, CF34-3B1, CF6-50) | Valtec Aircraft Supply | RFQ |
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